by MayoMark | Apr 3, 2014 | Flags, Mayo GAA, National Football League
Another beautiful day, another milestone for Club ’51. First, we unveiled our giant flag, then we made our first appearance in national media. Then, just yesterday, our Facebook page reached the 500 mark!
But that’s in the past, and we like to live in the now (Disregard the name of our club, just briefly). Today, we were featured on local radio’s hottest slot – the 10:30am on the Tommy Marren Show! A big well done to our own Anne Marie Flynn for her performance this morning. But that’s not all! Almost simultaneously, our website saw it’s 15,000th hit! Quite a way to go to reach our good colleagues over at the MayoGAABlog, who reached a staggering 1,000,000 hits last year, but it’s a hell of a start!
We have plenty in the pipeline between now and June, but first thing’s first: Derry on Sunday. I’d like to echo the post from earlier in the week about our relocation to the MacHale Road sideline. Lets make the last home league game of the year (and potentially our last home game in 2014 full stop, depending on how results go elsewhere in Connacht) one to remember. We’ll be unveiling our new flags, too, so make sure you join us! Remember, everyone is welcome, all of the time.

After the shameless theft of the famous “Black Rectangle”, you can now locate us by following the floating, crudely drawn red arrow in MacHale Park.
We’ll also be announcing the winner of our Super Duper Flag Design Competition tomorrow and presenting the lucky winner with their very own Club ’51 t-shirt! We have been swamped with entries, so we will be working late into the night, again, tonight to pick our winner!
See you all Sunday, lets hope the sun keeps shining and we find ourselves planning for Croker Sunday evening!
by MayoMark | Mar 26, 2014 | Competitions, Flags, Mayo GAA
We just couldn’t wait ’til the end of the league to give out our new t-shirts, so here’s an opportunity to be the FIRST EVER owner of a Club ’51 t-shirt!
All you have to do is get your art supplies out and start designing a new flag.

There’s a few guidelines to follow, though. This flag will be used to wave with a bunch of others at all Mayo games. First of all, it has to be relevant to Mayo and or Mayo GAA. Second of all, it has to be fairly generic – in other words, no flags that will be of no use to us in 12 months time. Thirdly, simplicity usually looks better for this sort of a flag.
Here’s one we made earlier!

It’s not a requirement, however, for the flag to be related to Club ’51 – just Mayo GAA. Think legends, landmarks, green and red, whatever!
The winner will be presented with their very own Club ’51 t-shirt, supplied by T-Rex clothing, who incidentally have a new website for their sporting range here.

Can’t get the tune out of my head…
You can submit your entries using our contact form where you can include attachments, or post them on our Facebook page. They don’t have to be perfect – give us an idea and we’ll work with it! Closing date Friday 4th April so get cracking!
Happy arting!!
by MayoMark | Feb 11, 2014 | Competitions, Prediction Leagues
So here it is, the moment we’ve all been waiting for! The new limited edition Club ’51 t-shirt has been revealed! We have 4 of these up for grabs, thanks to the good folk at T-Rex Clothing, and also our resident design man (I don’t know the technical term, you’ll have to ask him yourself) Aidan!

The winner of our prediction league will get one of these, and we have yet to decide what to do with the other 3. It’s funny, because the last prediction league I was in was very interesting, the people who organised the league actually won it! So it’s not unusual for that kind of thing to happen…

So start doing your research, the prediction league just got serious! The lucky person to be placed last in our league will get their very own limited edition Club ’51 wooden spoon. That will be provided by my good self. So make room on the mantelpiece if the league hasn’t been going to plan!

Good luck!
by MayoMark | Jan 31, 2014 | National Football League, Prediction Leagues
Thanks to the good folk at T-Rex Clothing, we will have 4 t-shirts up for grabs for our Allianz Prediction League competition and other competitions in the coming months. We haven’t decided how to give out the t-shirts, but that’s a work in progress! We also have a limited edition Club ’51 wooden spoon for the person placed last in the league, and that will be provided by my good self.

More information to follow, but in the meantime, get your account set up now and join our league. Information on how to join can be found here.
You may recognise T-Rex as they have been a fine supporters of the local game in Mayo, and they were more than happy to provide a prize for the Mayo faithful! More information on T-Rex can be found here.
Good luck!
by MayoMark | Jan 27, 2014 | Mayo GAA, National Football League, Season Tickets
One of the many reasons for getting the GAA season ticket is the many benefits that’s included with it (applies to Croke Park season ticket only). Owning a season ticket entitles the holder free entry to all National League match’s (code specific) along with the All Ireland club finals in Croke Park on St Patrick’s Day. This Saturday evening the league gets under way with the clash of All Ireland Champions Dublin v Kerry in Croke Park, throw in scheduled for 7pm.

Season Tickets Account Home Screen.
To avail of your free tickets for this match, log in to your season ticket account and click on the “Special Purchases” tab and follow the instructions. You can if you wish pass on your tickets. Instead of printing from the ticket screen, click on the download button to save to your computer and you can then add the PDF file as an attachment to an e-mail for sending.

Save or print season tickets.
All season ticket holders will be entitled to free tickets (up to the amount of tickets on your season ticket account) for the All Ireland Club finals, which take place on St Patrick’s Day 17th March in Croke Park. Again you will need to order these (nearer the time) and follow the same procedure as above. Hopefully Mayo’s Castlebar Mitchels will be contesting the final on St Patrick’s Day!
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